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Newb in model making


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In my opinion, the place to start is to download GMax from discreet.com. GMax is completely free. You can also download tutorials from there that will teach you the basics of modelling. One reason GMax is a good way to go is that if you learn to model in GMax, you pretty much know how to model in 3D Studio Max, which is a key tool in JKII modelling. Another route you could take is modelling in MilkShape, which costs $20 for the full version.


What I've been doing is learning GMax, figuring things out, and once I have a solid understanding of modelling, I will look into getting 3DSM.

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yea GMAX is supposedly great, but avent even figured out the basics yet, so ill have to get a tutorial from the site... but milkshape is good, only prob is the paying but sum1 probs has a reg code, but u ahve to change the file formats to make the player models work in JKII, neway yea, hope that you get good, hope i do one day, bradfu could you advise me on how to improve in modelliong other than practising like most ppl say. thx craig xx

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