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EAX HD patch for Jedi Outcast (It Rocks!)


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Don't know if many know of this. Soundblaster has a new EAX HD patch that they designed specifically for Jedi Outcast. It's on their website.


Read about it at the following site:-




The file to be downloaded is here:-




The sound patch is amazing! On a Soundblaster Audigy card- you can hear lightsaber crackle and more. If you havent installed it- download it!!





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Sorry to add to this post. I am new to this board.


Firstly, I want to thank Absath and Darkhold for the skin and the hosting respectively. It's too bad that so many people were stupid about it. If you don't like it- then don't look at it and don't download it.


I am making a Leia Slave skin using it and will post it soon.


Further to my bit on the EAX patch. The website link is:-




and the file can be downloaded here:-





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