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idea for a jk 2 mod


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Its wierd no one thought of this before but why not make a mod for jk2 kinda like crouching tiger hidden dragon. you'd have all the characters and could choose from a **** load o badass ancient chinese weaponry. you'd beable to kick and punch too and there would be levels based off the movie. it would bet mostly dueling, ffa, and team versions of both. force powers would be replaced by special moves that use chi (a way to keep the force bar) and they'd be really fancy like disarms and spining attack ended with a trip. used also beable to walk on water. wall walk and force jump could remain the same. weapons could include posin darts little push out knives in ur shoes assorted polearms and swords. you could also add a roleplaying skillz system but i am not to sure of that.tell me what u think of my idea. i cant really do anything but light scripting but i could do levels so if anyone is interested in the idea and wants to put a team together thats damn ass dandy.i'll be gone till next friday but when i come back i am sure i'll have some more fresh ideas. until then dont steal my idea without asking.;)

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mine is more focased on ancient oriental combat. i think it'd be damn cool to see some one spinning a spear with lightning quick motions like in cthd. the focas of the mod is to represent mainly the armed combat with a few kicks and punches here and there. taunts-

1. stomping

2. repetitive blade smacking

fighting styles-




each style would be different and constant use of each would be needed for maximum efficency. i think i would have to also add blood as well as making sure that damage is handled like g_saberrealisticcombat 2 in sp. i hope when i come back next friday to have a clearer view on the special moves and general combat. i wont be able to answer until then but plz keep those comments and ideas coming.:cool:

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now i as i write i am about to leave on vaction in my room are three pages worth of gameplay ideas for this mod now entitled "oriental dreams" i dont have much time to talk of them but they include a full items list, scoring system, and gametypes. when i come back i promise a full idea of the game. i am guessing no one cares much about it but maybe they will next week.gotta go


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i am backeeeeeee. time to stay on topic cause i got a full outlook for "oriental dreams"......


i am still not sure about the special moves in that in need some help in. i know that force will be replaced with chi the martial arts thingy that the people use to be really strong and stuff. lol




TH-two handed

OH-one handed

TW-two weapon

ROF-rate of fire







TH-spear-a long pole with and arrowhead like blade bound to one end


TH-staff-a finely carved wooden stick


OH-darts-like a tiny arrow.poisoned.short range


TH-dartgun-a hallowed bamboo pole.shoots poisoned needles.range medium.rof fast


TW-sai-a weapon in likeness of a very large fork.good for disarming


TW-dagger-your basic short blade OH handle dagger.range short.rof medium


TW-ninja-to-a short sword favorite of ninja's.unguardedhandle


TH-no-dachi-the mother of all swords with a slightly curved blade reaching a massive six feet long and an unguarded handle


TH/OH-katana-the father of all swords a mildly curved blade of 5 feet placed on an unguarded handle. boasts wicked attack speed and power. yet it is extremely light and near industructable


OH-machete-yey baby!this one could be great fun.


OH-shuriken-a suprise.range short.rof fast


TH-cho-ku-no-another suprise.range medium.rof fast


TH-crossbow-your basic crossbow.range long.rof slow


TH-longbow-your basic bow.range medium.rof medium




shield-used with TW or OH weapons


leather-hardened leathe creating a protective shell


chainmail-links of metal bound together.great against swords


plate-plates of solid armor


full plate-a complete suit of armor with both plate and chainmail pieces


Helm-made of plate


cap-made of chain or leather




attackdog- a dog that follows you around attacking any enemys that close in on you


snake-seeks out a target and bites it with its deadly poison fangs!


molotov cocktail-fire anyone?


catapult-a stationary catapult. must be reloaded by players. will fire only manually


hot oil-used to drop on oppenents from above large damage area


pallasade wall-a length of wooden wall


each weapon would have its own unique aggressive, nuetral, and defensive stances. each stance would allow you to manipulate you weapon to maximum efficency


well i am tired of typing so i will give the rest later. continue my blabber soon.

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