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RAM DIMM Died. Now at 256MB. . . Problems


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Howdy guys,


Is it normal for JO to hitch this much with 256MB DDR (266) RAM?


I was playing it with 512MB before. I would load a level, and everything was silky smooth. Now, with 256MB, everything gets jerky as I enter new areas. Is this because it is loading the textures from disk rather than from RAM?


Is JO remembering a parameter from before, when I had more RAM?


I'm slightly concerned because I'm hoping I didn't just fry my new GF4 or any other part of my system during an overclock attempt (that seemed to finally push a bad DIMM over the edge). So, I'm probably being paranoid. But I really wouldn't expect JO to be *this* different.


Things eventually get pretty smooth. . . but it takes a few minutes of play on the same level before all the "hitches" appear to get worked out. :(





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