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Help with skinning - How many pixels in an object?

Chiss Lord

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OK, I've got my model done, I go to skin it, and everything comes out completely out of porportions. (Messy!) How can I figure out how big (pixels) an object is unwrapped?


My previous models were all solid materials so this has never been a problem before.




Oh, and I'm using Milkshape.

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Firstly texture sizes need to be on the power of two boundry (binary progression) 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 (specific cards may have other limitations) secondly the mapping between polygon and texture is usally done on the scale 0 to 1 which is then scalled to _whatever_ the textures max/min coords are.


Just to check you _are_ doing a UVW unwrap and then designing your skin based on that layout aren't you?

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