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WIP: Sith Emergence (working title)


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Hello all, ok update on map. So far it's coming along very nicely, got some steam rising up where the vents are that launch you in the air, the over all layout is pretty much complete...working on the throne room now, but having trouble getting the cave to look right, and I have selected the sounds and music for the map which is already part of the game so the file size should still remain reasonable.


I am having a problem though.....Fx_runners for meteors, everything is fine till I put them in. Once I do, WHAMMO, instabrightness throughout the entire map!!! Anyone have any thoughts on this problem?


I can take them out and then it's back to normal with no problems. Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks


SunBurN :D

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Ok, looks like the runners wasn't the problem, I'm not sure what caused it, but I had to basically rebuild part of my map..luckily I had a slightly older version so it wasn't that bad. Anyway, now I'm back on track. Once I get a few more things done and in place, I'll be ready for a Beta2 testing. I'll let everyone know when I'm ready for that.



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yes Wes, that is the plan, if you look at the picture that I'm working from, the throne itself is surrounded by lava and inside a cave, so I built the throne (pretty accurately I might add) and now I'm going to build the cave around it. Only trouble is, it's not coming out well. What envision and what comes out are two differnet things. I'll just have to keep trying...I'll get it right eventually...but maybe not before beta2. I'm working on it as we speak.

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Originally posted by volrathxp

patches are by default detail.


which is why you get leaks when you have a curve without a real brush behind it. ;)


Curves don't block vis, never have, never will. So trying to set them detail has no effect.

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Thanks Wes and Keo! and Xzzy, I've figured that out already, but thanks! I was basically trying to make everything I could detail to keep the r_speeds and fps at good rates. So far, with 8 bots in, I keep the r_speeds under 10,000, and FPS between 30 and 60 on average. So I think this is going to be a good ffa/duel map. I'm really leaning more towards FFA though, I just prefer them. Also, I really need a jedi starfigher or sith infiltrator model to make this map complete for what I plan. Hopefully, one of them will pop up before I finish the map. I tried making my own, but they just looked bad. :p

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well you sent me the picture, right? If you look at it, the throne itself is surrounded by lava...so raising it wouldn't look right unless I put it up on the the Lava fall ...or...hmmm..you just gave me an idea, I'm going to play with an idea, and if it works, it will look cool and will be somewhat raised....thanks for the feed back!



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Originally posted by SunBurN

I was basically trying to make everything I could detail to keep the r_speeds and fps at good rates.


Detail brushes don't generally effect r_speeds (or fps) nearly as much as most people think.


All setting stuff detail does is cause the compile to ignore those brushes when doing the vis stage (which can greatly speed up compile times), and occasionally, prevent splits in structural brushes.


In other words going buck wild with detail brushes won't do nearly as much as careful map layout or a few well placed hints.

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Hey Wes, that's pretty much what I decided to do. I've updated the pics on the link I provided. Making the cave/throne room proved to be very tough and none of the textures in the game really fit from the picture. I made my own but then it didn't fit with the rest of the map so I think I'm going to leave it how it is. The pics I've posted show the cave/throne room I'm come up with. Let me know what you think.


Keo, I emailed sin about his starfighter. Thanks for the link and info. Hopefully he finishes it in time and lets me use it. Here is the link again for the updated pics:




SunBurN :)

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Why would changing the color of a light in a certain place in a map cause the ultrabrightness problem? I've tested it, and if I leave them white, then there is no problem, but second I make the another color, UBERBRIGHTNESS when the map runs in JKO. Any thought as to why this is happening?

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I'm close to releasing the beta2, but the above mentioned problem is slowing me down. I need help!! This is the error I'm getting.


0 light emitting surfaces Only 1026195 gridArrays used out of 1048576 0...1...2...3...4...5...Too many unique lightpoints in the grid!



If anyone is familiar with this and knows a solution, I'm all ears so to speak! Thanks



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