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More Roleplaying


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Although, I must admit, the single player mode of JK2:JO was really good and an incredible improvement over the other games, I feel that a more well-implemented mode of roleplaying would have enhanced overall appreciativeness of the game.


That is, there should have been little decisions made by your character along the game, for example, letting Tavion die or live, that drew you more to the dark or light side, to be true to the style of a Jedi's game. If you, over time, made decisions that were more evil than good, in the end you should have only been able to use dark force powers, like lightning or grip etc; and if you had made decisions that were deemed good, you should have only been able to use light force powers.


Little things like the saber colour turning red once becoming evil (like all the Sith and Dark Jedi in the movies) would have made it even better. If the game were more of a roleplaying sort like this, with more roleplaying choices, it would be more incredible than it is now....is it possible to *somehow* implement a system of the sorts like this?


Anyway, that's my 2c on this issue, but nevertheless, this is a good game...

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Yeah, that was cool in JK1 where you reached the point of no return and were either True to the Light Side or Seduced by the Dark Side. Since they pretty much canned that idea in MotS it would've been hard to break the idea into JK2. ;P


I know what you mean, though.


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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