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Im a n00b. How should i setup my controls?


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Hello all,


n00b here. What is the best way to setup the controls for this game? Are the defaults the best way to go or should it be massively overhauled? The F keys kinda confuse me. They seem hard to get to.


If you could post how you have your controls setup, i'd really appreciate it.





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I hate going thru the controls to figure it out for myself what works and what doesn't.


I'm thinking i need to remap those force powers to something closer than the F keys. Don't you think those guns at the beginning are really inaccurate? jeesh.


BTW> i still cant figure out why i cant post on fixits site. Nothing to do with the firewall. :(

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The key settings I use have worked wonders for me. I used this setting for JK1, but it can be used with JK2. A lot of people tell me that I must be crazy to be able to handle the settings. Just practice it and controling your character will be second nature in no time...


a up

z down

d side-step left

f side-step right

t talk

c crouch

q activate

w absorb

s force speed

g force pull

h force push

y heal

l saber style

b bacta

mouse1 main attack

mouse2 jump

space secondary attack (throw)

. seeker drone

, assault sentry

shift run (keep it at always run anyway)

tab score


aiming, turning, etc is done with the mouse


all extra keys use to your liking


I prefer not to use the numbers or F keys since I have to look at the keyboard to use them, and it would be very difficult to pick the right one in the middle of a combat situation.


When learning this setting, use it alone and try to get it down pat without looking at the keyboard. When you get it right you will have improved your game ten-fold.

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Originally posted by blue_myriddn

haha...what a suprise to see a familiar face :)


Just installed the demo that came with my PCGamer and for the life of me I can't get past that first silly door


I kept the stock setup for the most part, changed very few things (in MP I use E for pull and Q for push, R for Heal and I just keep Absorb selected and whack F for it)....











As for that first silly door! :). If you notice, after Jan says that blasters won't do the trick, 3 Stormtroopers come from the left side of the building, go where they were, take the elevator upstairs, and you should find a switch that resembles that big perimeter turret outside, use it :D .

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As i belive some has mentioned this but the one thing i seriously

recomend is to bind push or pull to Q, this is incredibely useful in

singleplayer and is a very fast way to break grips in multi as well.

(when you are using a variant of the standard WSAD setup)


I also like crouch on the ctrl key since it can be hit witoug moving your hand.

But that may be the default...getting my games mixed up perhaps.



Mikos_Epistimi that is one hell of a weird setup!

why dont you just use WSAD movement, you dont have to hold

yer fingers at a weird angle, also i would think having the movement

keys in a cross patern would be more intuitive.

The rational for it would seem to be having force powers at

your fingetips but a lot of them are quite a streach to the right

and like they would be hard to do without hampering your movemnet severly.

Im shure it is possible to get used to it but your setup seems

very tricky for no percivable benifite.



mythren: he has the DEMO. the demo is a mini mission that is not in the game.


The guy with the demo: look for a button next to the door. look at it and

hit the use key, E. if it the button is a little silver bump you need a key.

find an officer who must be somewere around (or at least his body)

walk over him to take the key.

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Originally posted by mythren


Oooh, didn't know that. Figured the demo was the first part of the actual game...sorry :).


Its pretty cool, you can find it packaged as a pk3 so you can play it in the full game. cant remember were I got it...but definitly look for it.

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Controls: this is what i use and i find it easier than the defaults. i think u need to use forces more than change weapon, especially multiplayer.


I use WSAD for moving and then ctrl for crouch. For forces i use the numbers above the letters, with common force powers on the 1-4 for easy access. I then put the weapons up on the "F" buttons.



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I think that its important to be able to reach things that you need quickly, so I kinda rearranged the standard keys, like so:

WASD: movement, like standard

X: lightsaber

C: crouch

space: jump

alt: mind trick

ctrl: heal

shift: use

tab: lightning

Q: push

Z: pull

E: grip

F: next weapon

R: prev weapon

1: speed


(This is for single player, of course

multiplayer depends on light or dark side)

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Joben, you are right...my setup can be very awkward :)


But I find that with the right placement of my hand, it is anything but awkward.


When playing Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, I first started with the number pad on the right of the keyboard, but found that if I used the mouse with it, I would not be able to access many keys for force powers. If I used "wasd" (which for some reason I have always found awkward) I would lose the use of my pinki finger.


With my suggested configuration, in order for it to work well, you would need to assign your fingers to certain keys as well as have your hand in a basic position in which your fingers would be able to access as many keys as possible. I have my pinki finger directly on "a" so it can easily move from a to z and a to q. The pinki should not do much else (at most, streach to tab). Your middle finger and index finger should be directly on "d" and "f". Like the pinki, make sure your middle and index are comfortable so they can easily access the above and below keys. Your index finger will probably be the most used key (besides your pinki accessing forward and backward). The index is used to access g, h, t, y, c, v and/or any keys near there.


Forces that are frequently used (dark or light) should be close and easily accessable, which I have assigned for w, s, and maybe x (accessed with the ring finger.


That pretty much sums up the hand positioning (the thumb should always be on the space bar, assigned for throw).


If the hand positioning is hard to understand, try to picture it with the base of your palm just off the keyboard (just resting on the table), your pinki parallell with "ctrl", "shift", "caps" and resting on a. Your fingers should be slightly bent so your middle and index fingers are on d and f, and your thumb on space. It is imperative that your hand is loose, not rigid or tight.


With this setup you do not need any of the number keys of the "F" keys.


This setup is only a suggestion, not an opinion on which setup is best. If it does not feel comfortable then by all means don't use it. I find it very benificial, giving me easy and quick access to all the keys (not including number keys and "F" keys). I find that with this setup I do not need to look at the keyboard when I play, which can be crucial when playing.


Just a note. Your hands are not supposed to be at wierd angles nor are they to cross at any time. It is designed so that all your fingers cover at least three keys which are quick and easy to get to.

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I like to used the defalt arrows, but change the move left and right to stafe left and right. I mapped crouch to shift, primary attack to ctrl, jump to the num pad ins/0, and use to the humber pad del/.


I also remapped all the force powers execpt for force speed ( which I don't use as often) to the keys above the arrow keys (home, page up, page down, end, insert, delete)


This configuration works very well becasue you can use the inventory quickly, I use my pinky to swich through the things. Also, jump and crouch are in a very good positon, and the primary attack is neer your hand, and so you can tap it quicker for winning saber locks.


Good luck!


-teutonicknight :saberb:

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