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Problem with Npc.cfg


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Well, you should NEVER modify assets0.pk3 to begin with, because it'll royally fook up your SP and MP, you'll have to either revert your changes or recopy the file from your CD.


Try putting it in another PK3, then putting it in a folder like Jedi Outcast\GameData\ModName, and then load the mod from the menu in SP.

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yeh. first off the proper way to do that sorta thing is to make another pk3 file

and put nothing in it but the stuff you want to modify (in their proper folders)

so in this case you would want a pk3 with the ext_data folder with npcs.cfg inside.


I think pk3s are just renamed zip files im not shure...

I use WindowsCommander that lets you view compressed stuff like normal

folder...so i just generaly make a copy of a pk3, rename it, take out the stuff

i dont need and drop in the stuff i do.

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I use PakScape for making and viewing PK3s. It's much easier than WinZip because lets your browse through directory structure instead of just look at all the files spilled out. Do a Google search for it, you need version .11 or higher for JO.

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