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recording demo's.....please read


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Originally posted by [MJ]--Shadow

how do i record demos...i wanna put together a little video i did a test video..then went base>demos...etc. and all i got was a .dm something file how do i convert it to like an avi or something and is there away to set certain fps...thank you in advance

Only JO (perhaps other Quake3 games too) can read dm files. The only way to convert an existing demo file into a video is to play the demo in JO and to record it with a videorecorder ( your video card needs TV-out) .

AFAIK you cannot record avidemos with JO, you can however create a series of snapshots that you can convert into a videofile using a third party video program. To do this you have to set

cl_avidemo ( or cl_forceavidemo , not sure) to 1.

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Originally posted by Protozo

The recording of demos in JK:2 .......................................





.......... would be very exiting !


Help him ffs !


You have to create a textfile called demo.cfg in your base folder.

Paste this in:

//REcord Demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"

You can replace F12 with any key you like. When you are in the game open the console (shift+key left to 1) and enter exec demo.cfg . F12 starts/stops demo recording.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by teleguy


You have to create a textfile called demo.cfg in your base folder.

Paste this in:

//REcord Demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"

You can replace F12 with any key you like. When you are in the game open the console (shift+key left to 1) and enter exec demo.cfg . F12 starts/stops demo recording.



OK...... I did this as above..... and it did work two or three times..... !!!!


But now I get this error below







Why am I getting this error and how to fix please ?


I look forward to a rely on this.


Thx in Advance

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