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Yoda Saber Released!!! (In two different size)


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The model is good, but i still think it's too fat. Yoda couldn't get his hand halfway round that monster, it's even fatter than a normal saber. (This is meant to be constructive) The skin needs higher contrast (especially in the metal, looks at kyle's saber texture), or it won't show up in game (games blur things, just because it looks good in md3view doesn't mean it'll look good in game).

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Yeah, I know.


This is the first the skin I ever made and I learned that inorder for the reflection to look good ingame, the skin the bright part has to be almost white. If you open the skin file you'll see that there is in fact a very bright area on the saber but not quite bright enough. Thanks for all your comments guys and I'll look out for the skin on my next model.


BTW, I cant believe that 1000 people downloaded the saber in only 5 hours. It's an extremly good feeling to be more active in this community.

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