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It is not a direct link guys. Its the edonkey link. That means if you have the edonkey prgram the link will set up the file for you and begin downloading. Like any webpage just has softimage ready to download off it! Get a clue before you start screaming about dead links and warez...

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Originally posted by RJY33

It is not a direct link guys. Its the edonkey link. That means if you have the edonkey prgram the link will set up the file for you and begin downloading. Like any webpage just has softimage ready to download off it! Get a clue before you start screaming about dead links and warez...


yeah but that kind of is warez... so :p

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Like all file sharing programs it is possible to download a virus. The program is not a virus rest assured. If you use the widespread link i posted you will get a perfect working copy, no viruses since if you modify the filename it is no longer part of the link. Going on edonkey and just serching other softimage filenames may yield viruses so i wouldnt do that. As long as you use links from the two major edonkey linking sites then you will be just fine. If its such a worry any good virus scanner will pick up the virus before it does any damage. Im not trying to prove anything im just givin the facts.

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i have edonkey too fore some reasons and can asure u that its a pain in the ass but worth the time if u get into it. however i cant understand why this guy is still on the forum telling people how to get a warez version of an expensive 3d program...

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Im not telling peope to go get it, just giving the info, I personally dont have it but saw the link, which is not the direct link to the file, so you cant get the file form there, it was just an FYI since people seem to be confused about the amount of people that have access to this program.

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