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Ur worst loss evar


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Originally posted by Crazy_Taco

Some newb shot me with a bryar pistol....:(


No offence, but a powered up briar can kill you, for instance, 2 people are saber fighing, a guy with a bryar walks up and shoots one 2x he dies. Then the bryar guy pulls out his saber and fights the other guy, cheep, but effective:D

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

When I fall through the "world" from clipping bugs in maps.


Hrm... I don't know what maps you're playing, but ever play DAoC? I fall through the world every two seconds in that game. :p


Hrm... worst loss ever. Well, there was this moron running around with a name like "|/- Spike," calling everyone n00bs and professing to how "1337" he was. Regular fugitive from CS.


He was on my team, and after running to a score of 7 to 1 in CTF, I got fed up, switched sides, and murdered him not one, not two, not even three, but SEVEN times in a row while bringing up the score to 7/6. Then, out of a stroke of luck, he killed me.


And I quote:


Spike: "Hahahahahaha lamer, I 0wnz j00."

Me: "Great. And I killed you how many times before that? 6? 7? I lost count."

Spike: "It was luck that killed me, not you. Hahaha, I so own you n00b."

Me: "Whatever."


... I said as I capped the last flag for MY team to win the game.


The moral? Even if you beat the living #$@$ out of some folks, they still never get the message, leaving them to taunt you endlessly when they should be so lucky as to kill you. So either make friends with the admin, or leave. It saves you the headache, the brain cells spent on counter-flaming, and gives you a bit more fun besides. :cool:


And be careful: Some of them browse these very forums. :freakout:


Merc out. :fett:

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Was playing CTF the other day and I had the flag for the win. Less than a minute to go and I was home free using force speed to get back to my flag. Unfortunately I came in at a wierd angle missed our flag and proceeded to run right off the edge to my death.... Time Cap Hit!......oooops!

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my worst loss ever was when i was dueling this guy and i got him down to like 5 hp. my friend and i were chatting on a voice program so he told me that the guy only had 5 hp left. i decided to be funny and kill him by rolling past him and making him take idle saber damage. i was still at full 100/25 and when i got him down to 1 and rolled past him again he turned around and backsweeped me and killed me. i was so annoyed....

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Type: FF saber only CTF


Map: Warring factions



6 members of a clan showed up at one of my old FFA hunting grounds and voted to change it to a CTF. I was fine with it and decided random people v clan would be interesting. Anyway it turned out to be a pretty even battle once I convinced some people to play defense.


"The Voice" says that there is 5 minutes left and my side is down by one lousy point. So I take off running (force speed) and mangage to break their defenses and run back to my base with their flag. I am loving life and have nothing more then a simple jump left to score. I come flying over the edge and am sent screaming into the pits. Why?


Well it seems Joe Stupid (my team) had seen me approaching blue base and since I was glowing red (I had the red flag) decided that I was a strange version of a red team player. So he waited at the edge and hit me with his saber as I was about to land.


Whay happened next? you guessed it! The most hated words of every close loss "time limit hit"



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