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Map idea


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Hehe, and once you got one little senate box down, all you would have to do is copy it and rotate about ten thousand times! WHEEE




Maps that should be made:


*A bank with a cool vault (I might)

*An otoh gunga level (one being made for hydro ball)

*A level of bunches of docking bays that you get to by 'flying' in various pre-fab ships (feasible)

*A decent hoth level!

*A level from the elusive world with more than one climate in the star wars universe :p

*A tron level

*Three words: Star Destroyer Prefab

*One word: (the) Executor *grin*


Why am I typing this here..?


:c3po: <-- it's C3P0...joy...



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Originally posted by angelDP

Hehe, and once you got one little senate box down, all you would have to do is copy it and rotate about ten thousand times! WHEE



Damn, was actually thinking of doing this map. It would probably be better done with a good tileable textue of thousands of senate pods lining the inside of a cylinder and then make the central speaker pod(or whatever you call it) and 2 or three more senate pods in the middle floating around (bobbing up and down if you will).


It'd probably make for a good duel map, if done right. I don't thing i'm gonna do it though.

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