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I'm a currently making a campaign and i've got it so you take over a base but i dont know what trigger it is for them to talk after the base is taken over. ive done bring object to ??

object selected - but i dont like these also after the start i cant get a proper conversation ive tried

cond: (whatever)

effect: display instructions

effect: activate trigger 2


cond: timer } but the timer makes it do it at the

effect: display instructions } start rather than after the last trigger


if you can help tnx.

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You were a little unclear on the setup of the scenario, but this is how I would do it:


If taking over the base is the objective, you should change the objective to bringing a unit to a specific structure in the base. Here's the trigger setup:


Trigger 1

Cond: Bring object to object

Bring anything to the base's command center.


Effect: Change ownership

Change the ownership of all structures in the base to the player's ownership.


Effect: Display instructions

"Gee golly, sir! We captured the base!"


OR if you want a delayed reaction:


Effect: Activate trigger

Activates trigger 2


Trigger 2

Cond: Timer (5)

Waits 5 seconds until...


Effect: Display instructions

"Gee golly, sir! We captured the base!


I really hope this helps.

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