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Spawning NPCs


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I haven't found a way, unless there's a treasure trove of hidden ICARUS commands (if only!), so I'll risk putting my foot in my mouth and say it's impossible.


I believe the NPC_**** entity is like a parent entity - you don't actually use it, but it holds all the basic information for an NPC.

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in the general editing thread, someone got a reply from chang to set up your npc file so that they hold the gun.


also, i had a few thoughts (maybe people already know or have read this but it might be useful) re: npc_custom spawning via jkradiant and then using icarus scripting. some of the code is in the forum as well and it might help hopefully?


the link is here:


~* beau *~

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the answer is in the thread above. i just spawned my own custom npc holding a blaster and he killed a stormtrooper for me.


havent tested the saber version yet and im still to get the map to spawn a custom npc but its so much closer


~* beau *~

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