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help loading the game


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OK......... to find new drivers for your video card you need to know what kind it is you can do this by going into the start menu and clicking on run then type: DXDIAG then click OK

goto Display settings and it will tell you the name of the manufacturer and the type of card. now you goto the manufactures website and search for a driver for your video card


hope this is easy enough to understand

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allright i went to the thing and it said that trident is the manafacture. but i dont see anything about what my card type is......and i went to the site and there is a bunch of things that u have to pay for...does it cost money to get a video card......please help....thanx:confused:

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What does dxdiag say is the name of the card ( its above manufacturer) ?

does it cost money to get a video card

Yep, a new video card costs money, but he didn't say you need a new video card , he said you need new drivers for your video card. (You may need a new card though, but thats not sure yet.)

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Is it Trident 3D Image 9750 or Trident 3D Image 975?

If it is a Trident 3D Image 975 then I have bad news for you. The card is currently listed as not supported http://support.lucasarts.com/trg/tgd.asp?id=2326&g=120&s=12

If you want to play Jedi Outcast you will most likely need a new video card. Perhaps anybody has a better idea though. You could also contact LucasArts support.

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