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Mainframe 2.0 is released


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Quick question. I download the first edition of this map (and the second one. Haven't played it yet) but when ever I played the level, Luke died straight after I killed the first Reborn.


Am i screwing up or something!?

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Awesome map! easily the best custom single player map out there at the moment, I suggest everyone should download this.


Just a few suggestions, and hopes which will make the map even better. I think cutscenes should be added. Granted, I don't think anyones actually made any cutscenes yet, but when it is worked out, I think this map would definately benefit from a few. Particularily at the start where Luke and Kyle should land, then split up, the confrontation with Vader, and Tavion's escape. (an awesome custcene would if you die, Luke loses against Vader in a fancy looking fight cutscene.)


One thing that was really cool when I was playing; the first time I fought the shadowtrooper in the long corridor (near the Reborn Advanced area, and the droid) I had force pushed the droid nearby around for a bit of fun. What ended up hapening, was the droid suddenly exploded, and in its place stood the shadowtrooper. This was a really awesome effect, and I wonder if it can be recreated (I think what actually happened, was the shadowtrooper was cloaked, and suddenly uncloaked as the droid and I went near it, slicing the droid. But it really looked like it just exploded and the shadowtrooper appeared from inside it!

I think that would be an awesome enterance for one of the Reborn/Troopers etc in future editions of this level, or other levels you might have.


Just a few things that I think would be cool.... The map rocks without them, I just think they'd be awesome integrations into a already great map.

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The screenshots look amazing but I've got one question, how do you play the mod??


I copyed the pk3 file into GameData\MainFrame 2.0 and it shows up in the mod menu for mp but when you try and load the map it starts a FFA, and it doesn't show up in the sp mod menu.


Have I missed something?

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Originally posted by Sub_Woofer

Awesome map! easily the best custom single player map out there at the moment, I suggest everyone should download this.


Just a few suggestions, and hopes which will make the map even better. I think cutscenes should be added. Granted, I don't think anyones actually made any cutscenes yet, but when it is worked out, I think this map would definately benefit from a few. Particularily at the start where Luke and Kyle should land, then split up, the confrontation with Vader, and Tavion's escape. (an awesome custcene would if you die, Luke loses against Vader in a fancy looking fight cutscene.)


One thing that was really cool when I was playing; the first time I fought the shadowtrooper in the long corridor (near the Reborn Advanced area, and the droid) I had force pushed the droid nearby around for a bit of fun. What ended up hapening, was the droid suddenly exploded, and in its place stood the shadowtrooper. This was a really awesome effect, and I wonder if it can be recreated (I think what actually happened, was the shadowtrooper was cloaked, and suddenly uncloaked as the droid and I went near it, slicing the droid. But it really looked like it just exploded and the shadowtrooper appeared from inside it!

I think that would be an awesome enterance for one of the Reborn/Troopers etc in future editions of this level, or other levels you might have.


Just a few things that I think would be cool.... The map rocks without them, I just think they'd be awesome integrations into a already great map.


cutscenes are just really really complicated scripting routines. look through the sp scripts for the start of the kejim post level to see what i mean. the first conversation cine between Kyle and Jan is a nice resource on how cinematics are supposed to occur.

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Well done blaster!!, a huge improvement on the the first one and definately the best sp map out there at the moment.


Now how about doing some Darth Maul sp missions?, you could base some on the Darth Maul book Shadow hunter. :)

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Originally posted by Sub_Woofer

Just a few suggestions, and hopes which will make the map even better. I think cutscenes should be added. Granted, I don't think anyones actually made any cutscenes yet


Actually i have:)


heres a screen




It is actually FAIRLY easy scripting wise. The hard part is choosing camera angles. But luckily i have previous cutscene directing experiance so i found it ok.


But give it a go, it really adds shine and professionalism to your map. It takes a while to make a descent cutscene but its worth it:)

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Check out this tutorial




And this tutorial




It might take a while before your making big cutscenes and dramatic sequences, but those tutorials are an excellent way of getting started.


They're desighned for elite force but it's pretty much the same for JK2.:)

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To make that part of the script select camera commands then select move from the box, then click re-evaluate. Then on the first box with 0.000 0.000 0.000 in it click the button "helper" next to it, assuming this is your origin camera e.g



Next to the box that says origin click on "tag", then in the box above you should see this ( "targetname", ORIGIN)

Simply replace "targetname" with the name of your camera and that should be it for that command:D


For the next command e.g

( <CAMERA_COMMANDS> PAN,$tag("cam1",ANGLES)$,<000>,0)

On the box that says ORIGIN select the drop down box and then select ANGLES, again press tag and input your cameraname


This should work:)


EDIT: sorry forgot that for the second command you need to select "PAN" from the original menu instead of "MOVE"

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