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The Last Hope - My July RPG


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Yep... that's my July rpg.... I know you all waited REALLY long for this to come out so.. just kiddin here's the plot:


It's about twelve years after Return of the Jedi, and you're one of Luke Skywalker's old friends. You're back in the temple to improve your Force Powers, when you all hear these weird rumors about a new Death Star. Suddenly a transmission is sended from Luke to you.


"Greetings. I was just about to leave the Temple for personal reasons, when I decided this cannot go on. I've been keeping something away from you. You're my friends, so I guess it was wrong. I must say I'm sorry. There's no choice for me besides of telling you.


A new Death Star has been builded. The Darth council have made a much stronger one. There's one little detail I should mension. This time, the builders have recuited Sith from all around the galaxy to protect it. I'm asking you, I'm begging you, to join the destroyers team. You're the last hope."


That's about it! I need and/or want up to 8 Signups, the minimum is 4.

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that's great and I'm flattered, but two isn't enough. Shivrad, doy you MSN? if yes, me you and freak (that's how I call bobo) can make multypile chat or something.


and what did you ment by Stormtrooper?

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Originally posted by Bobo Fart

What do you mean by that SWGC? Multyple Chat??? Do you mean like on msn add anther person to convo so its liek 3 ways?


Yep. you can. click the icon 'add another person to this chat' in the left of a conversation. Hi! what am I doing?! what I'm like a MSN support dude?! leave me alone!:) :) :) :) :) :) ha ha me is funny. and stop calling me SWGC! call me Omri or TJ.

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  • 1 month later...

Shivrad the Bothan turned off the old holocom. He sat in his very large correlian mansion and meditated. <Hmm.....it has been many years since my affiliation with the jedi. I wonder...> Shivrad got up and looked out to the beautiful planets vast ocean. Shivrad was once a very popular spy. He had worked with creatures from all walks of life. Imperials, the alliance, hutts. You name it, they knew him. He had quit when the large price on his head became noticable. He retired to the now imperialless planet of corellia. He had studied much of the Jedi arts. He had trained at the temple in Yavin under the guidance of Luke Skywalker. However, when he learned that his brother back on corellia was ill, he decided to leave the temple. His brother dead, his jedi past gone, and his quiet life all caught up with him, Shivrad made a decision. He flipped on the holocomm and sent a message to Luke.


Shivrad: Luke? I'll do it.

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