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Does anyone know how the "enhanced sabers" add on works?!?!


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I really need help with this. If anyone knows how to get the enhanced sabers.pk3 to work... please let me know.


I would greatly appreciate the help.


If you know where I can get some cheats I would like that as well.


I have played the game to death. I love it, but I want to do some of the new stuff now. I am just getting into the community, so I'm not quite sure which forums I should hang out on for the stuff I want.


I appreciate ALL advice and comments.



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You have to create a folder in the Gamedata! directory. Name it e.g. Enhanced Sabers . Put in the pk3 file. Start a multiplayer game and load the mod via mod menu in setup. To enable the doublebladed saber open the console and enter sv_saberswitch twice!

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