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A little help here please


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Hey guys, I am new to the board and have just started playing in the zone. I was wondering if there is more than meets the eye with this phenominal game. Is there a way to get specific carachters and planes and attack walkers and vehicles in the game, that are either hidden, or fans of the game have made. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Episode 2 was amazing by the way and clone campaigns is equally impressive. Thanks for all the help in advance. May the force be with you...

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Guest DarthMaulUK



Welcome to our large world.


You will probably see me on the zone 'doing my thang' and if you need help, just send me a ZM.


Im currently revamping Galactic Battles.com to have much more on the civilisations - update coming soon.


Check out the http://www.galacticbattles.com/clonecampaigns section for details on the new units in the game and some exclusive upgrade info.





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Thanks for the welcome! I know I probably sond stupid with this next question but, how do I use those new techs and stuff in my game?? or are they not for use. I explored and guess I am not savvy enough to figure out how to get them. But this place is awesome and I'm sure I'll see you in the Zone. I have the same handle...

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Woowww. Your first question was not even answered.


There are no good units that could be downloaded that I know of, but to get the following units u must type some codes into the chatbox (they are in bold) :

That's no moon = Death Star

imperial entanglements =Star Destroyer

tantive iv = Blockade Runner

simonsays = Simon the Killer Ewok

scary neighbor (i think it is like that) = Garry Gaber in a speedboat

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