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In the Geonosis arena scene, after Jango is trampled by the reek, you can see sparks flying around his jetpack. Before Mace swings and does his thang, you can see Jango's jetpack try to lift off. But it misfires, and

*vum vum vum*

*boink boink boink*

Jango loses.

He would have lived, if it werent for his jetpack breaking on him.


Maybe in ep3 Boba will go after the manufacturers!:p

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If his jetpack would have worked , then maybe he would have flown off like a coward.:)

He still did the best he could. He shot Mace at point blank range, but Mace just kept comming-blocking all the shots with ease.

The fetts only tactic vs. a Jedi is to Flee.

The scene with the reek-I think was to show Jangos skill with his blasters one last time before his death.

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Originally posted by covenant_bad

wouldnt the clone starships (small destroyers) of destroyed the slave 1 as it tried to escape or at least impounded it?


I doubt there were enough clone ships to cover the entire planet to prevent escape, Boba could've outmaneuvered them methinks.

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I think he just lays low for a while. I dont think he tries to flee the planet right away. I mean there was a big battle going on.

Plus he is still a kid. Where would he go to? I dont think Jango had a specific place to live. I mean Jango had been living in Kamino for at least 10 years. Bobba maybe went back to kamino to gather his thought. Just a hunch:)

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well, boba actually survives in ROTJ, he blasts his way out, Lucas didn't show it though. jango could have live if he just durrendered or ran off or something as long as Windu wasn't coming towards him. :jango:

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Well, if we didn't see Boba get out of the Sarlacc in the movie, then we really cannot know if he ever did, unless George writes a book about it. Let's look at the facts as seen in the movie. Boba's pack was triggered by Hans' stick. Boba flies probably about 40 feet, completely out of control, and slams into the sailbarge at full speed. Almost certainly concussing himself and possibly breaking the pack, but maybe not. Then he falls to the sand, from probably 30 feet, and lands on the jet pack, almost certainly breaking it. Then he is eaten by the sarlacc. He's probably unconcious when he's eaten, after those two major impacts, which means that he's going to be way down in it's stomach, surrounded by acid when he comes too. now we know that this acid is fairly weak, as they say it takes 1000 years to be digested. But we also know that there will be extreme pain involved, as C3PO says that they will learn a new definition of pain and suffering. So thusly Boba would wake up in extreme pain, and doing anything coordinated when your entire body is in extreme pain is quite difficult. Also, the acid would probably burn his eyes quite easily, rendering him blind very quickly. Unless of course his helmet is sealed against that, then he will be able to see as long is the acid stays out. However, the acid would get into his jet pack, eating through wires and whatnot, and generally breaking it to the point of uselessness. I see approximately no way for him to get out of that alive.



And as for you mr platinumomen.....Jango Fett lasted 4 seconds against Mace Windu, and Boba was killed by a blind Han Solo armed with a stick.........yet they rule :confused: JK:p

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Well I think that jango only went into the arena, because he got a little excited when he got a jedi? and He thought *sh!t*, i'm the Sh!t... Imma going to show off my skills to count tyrannus and my son boba!. But all got was a nice Swing at his head! =)

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

Well I think that jango only went into the arena, because he got a little excited when he got a jedi? and He thought *sh!t*, i'm the Sh!t... Imma going to show off my skills to count tyrannus and my son boba!. But all got was a nice Swing at his head! =)


Ya he got a little cocky. His head swelled up too much. Nothing a little lightsaber didnt take care of:mace: :saberb:


:animelol:<----wanted to use one of the new smileys

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This is exactly what Jango was thinking during that scene.


"Oh yeah, i just F***** up that Jedi..i'm the baddest dude here....OH MAN! Jango just dropped his saber! I'm goign to kill him and show off for my son! A ha, all i have to do is grab that saber and mace is goin down. CRAP he force pulled it.....ACK! He's charging me...please dont let Boba be watching, please dont let Bo............"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Goodie. Please post then and I'll argue as to why he could still be alive. :) As for your first post, it's on the basis that he's unconcious, which he very well may not be (I think he was yelling when he fell into the Sarlaac, so hitting the sailbarge apparently didn't take him out). If the armour didn't serve well enough to keep him concious, it should at least serve him for a while to keep the acid off of him. I don't know the specs on the armour, but managed not to lose it after colliding with the sailbarge, so apparently it's fairly well attached...



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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Then he is eaten by the sarlacc. He's probably unconcious when he's eaten, after those two major impacts, which means that he's going to be way down in it's stomach, surrounded by acid when he comes too. now we know that this acid is fairly weak, as they say it takes 1000 years to be digested.

Sorry to double post, but:

Watch that part again.

He screams as he falls into the sarlacc.:p

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Wasn't one of the reasons why Lucas added the Sarlacc's beak in the first place to rebuff rumors that Fett escaped alive? Lucas said that as far as he's concerned, Fett's dead, so the Sarlacc's beak was nailing shut the coffin. Flying out of a gaping, tooth-rimmed hole is one thing--flying out of a clamped beak is quite another. And since Lucas defines canon, Fett's dead.


Live with it :p



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