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How do I get my editting npcs.cfg to work in-game?


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I noticed examples, but I still can't get it quite right. I've got JediAayla working, but JediMaul still fails. And if I have both, spawning Aayla gives me Maul with an error, because it can't seem to distinguish between the end of Aayla's file and the beginning of Maul's. *sighs* I feel like such an idiot that I can't figure out what's wrong here.

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i had that same problem that you are describing. in the console it seems like its trying to access both npcs at once or something?


well, i think i had that problem when i had a .npc file for both characters. now im using customnpcs.npc and i just spawned 1 jedi and two gun custom npcs without a problem.



while im here, anyone know if loading a mod overrides all other pk3 files. what i mean is, say i have beau.pk3 and then ihavedirt.pk3, when jk2 loads, it uses ihavedirt.pk3 as the most recent file of the two, assuming they have duplicate files. by loading beau.pk3 as a mod, will that then mean that jk2 ignores the previously stated rule?


~* beau *~

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Originally posted by Harukaze

I noticed examples, but I still can't get it quite right. I've got JediAayla working, but JediMaul still fails. And if I have both, spawning Aayla gives me Maul with an error, because it can't seem to distinguish between the end of Aayla's file and the beginning of Maul's. *sighs* I feel like such an idiot that I can't figure out what's wrong here.


I havent tried this stuff yet, havent had time but from the stuff

posted here shouldnt it be RebornMaul not JediMaul?

I donno if thats your problem but just thought i would point it out :cheers:

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it doesn't really matter what you make him. The key is the directory he is placed in, and correlating that to the skin file. I'm working on this right now so Maul, Dooku, Vader, and Exar Kun will be in the next mod pack release (see topic: NPC Mod Pack 1).


I've pretty much mastered getting Jedi in the game :p

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At the end of the file dont forget to include a space because it combines all the files so if the space is gone they run together.




blah blah

boo boo

bee bee


Space here------


next file




blah blah

boo boo

bee bee


spave here------

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