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MOD Roundup - Players Perspective

Lord Sokar

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I am considering the possibility that I may have 2 replace my 1.02 server soon. I am not only an admin/owner, but I loved this game once and absolutely refuse to lower myself to play 1.03 without a mod to fix the idiotic changes.


I understand I'm boned on the client side (where the worst changes occured, these animations are fuked), but I want to get an opinion on which of the currently available mods that are available that come the closest to being like 1.02 in gameplay.


I admit it would be nice having a 'rcon status' command that works, or being able to activate dismemberment without blowing the server up (as well as certain maps) or activate only certain force powers. This server will be no weapons, so I'm mostly interested in the mod that fixes the backstab lameness and it would be nice if DFA turnable again. But I would also like a mod that allows single tap for wall walking and kicking (although that's probably a client side screwing as well).


Opinions from people who actually played 1.02 for a while would be appreciated. Comments such as 'wutz the prob with the patch, it's so l337' are not welcome.


So, what's the deal? JK2++, u1.04, 1.03+... what? The next stop for me is to leave the game for good, but I'm hoping to give this one more option a chance.


Thanx in advance.

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I don't know about 1.03+ or JK2++ because I have not played them.


I can say however U104mod.pk3 is a definate improvement over the 1.03 patch. All it is, is the source code from the second release of the dev tools already compiled. So the fixes were done by Raven.


Saber blocking is reminiscent of 1.02 but not exactly like it, but close. Also, all the stance specific one hit kills are no longer "One hit kill moves." Sure, they will still kill someone low on health and shields, but not someone with full health and/or shields. The saber duels are much more intense and timing and technique rule. Far from the hack/slash/ automatic overblocking crap of 1.03.


It is easy to use and hassle free, a pk3 that is placed in the base folder and is a server side mod. If you have it in your base folder but are playing on a server that does not use it, the file will be ignored.


The light stance backflip lunge bug was corrected and some weapons tweaks were made. Dont know which as I play Saber only. All in all I really enjoy it and think it is a great mod. The group I play with regulary wont play anything else.


Lord Sokar, whatever you decide, I hope you stay in the community and that we may play together/ against each other someday. :)


Best wishes on finding what you seek.



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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

I am considering the possibility that I may have 2 replace my 1.02 server soon. I am not only an admin/owner, but I loved this game once and absolutely refuse to lower myself to play 1.03 without a mod to fix the idiotic changes.


I understand I'm boned on the client side (where the worst changes occured, these animations are fuked), but I want to get an opinion on which of the currently available mods that are available that come the closest to being like 1.02 in gameplay.


I admit it would be nice having a 'rcon status' command that works, or being able to activate dismemberment without blowing the server up (as well as certain maps) or activate only certain force powers. This server will be no weapons, so I'm mostly interested in the mod that fixes the backstab lameness and it would be nice if DFA turnable again. But I would also like a mod that allows single tap for wall walking and kicking (although that's probably a client side screwing as well).


Opinions from people who actually played 1.02 for a while would be appreciated. Comments such as 'wutz the prob with the patch, it's so l337' are not welcome.


So, what's the deal? JK2++, u1.04, 1.03+... what? The next stop for me is to leave the game for good, but I'm hoping to give this one more option a chance.


Thanx in advance.


THanks... I am so glad to see that someone still loves the 1.02V. I miss it drasticly, and my fighting technique has suffered greatly from the change. Its sad, but you must do what you must to keep up with the changes. If you can find a mod or whatever... Man, let me know. It hard to find servers that aren't 1.03, because you can't play the game otherwise. I would love to have all the perks from 1.03 without some of the downsides. I don't mind the modyfying of the super one hit kill from hard style, but the rest could have stayed. I miss it.

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Thanks for the information so far guys, and the encouragement.


But, I can't seem to find u1.04 anywhere! I checked the jkii.net file section as well as the jk2files.com site but can only find 1.03a and jk2++.


Is there an 'official' web page that I can go to that would help me out?



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You really need to try this out.

Still in beta, but it is just what the commuinity needs. Read up on it.





Our CTF Server:

[WD] JK2++ Beta 4 RC-1 (SD) (


Plz note that RC means release candidate.


With ghoul2 and sabertrace off by default, blocking is drastically reduced.

All of the saberists who have tried it, love it.


You can play saber only on Quietsith's server at:


Rage and Honor - JK 2 ++ Beta 3 (




One more thing.

Uploading a patch will not make your server instantly popular. You will need to promote it. If your server is well known, you won't have a prob, but if it is empty 90% of the time, expect to have to do some work promoting it.

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