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Changing NPC saber colour


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In SP, how do you change the NPCs saber colours? I have tried:


1. Extracted both the NPCS.cfg files to a folder.


2. Editing the saber colour (for luke) from green to blue.


3. Adding both extracted files (now edited) to a PK3 I called stuff.pk3.


4. Finally then putting the new PK3 file into the gamedata/base directory.




What am I doing wrong?


:( :(

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OK first off you only need on of the .cfg files. Use the one from the PK3 with

the higher number it prob has any changes the patches made in it (?)

second inside its PK3 yer moded file needs to be in a folder just like the one

you found it in so in yer new pk3 make a folder called "ext_data" and but the cfg inside.

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I realy dont get how so many ppl have problems with this...

it is probaly the simplest modification I can think of.


Donno if this is causeing any of them but it is good advice anyway:

Make shure you are using a plain text editor like Notepad.

Full word proccesors like Word Perfect might cause problems.


If your still having problems how bout you copy-paste the changes you made

and post them here? I would love to say to post yer pk3 file but

I dont think this board has a system for that.




Originally posted by acewombat

I did this to the Jedi trainer but the only problem is he doesn't use a saber anymore he has a stormtrooper rifle and stands in one spot in my map???????????


Dude if that happened i seriously doudt you just changed his saber color.

Only way i have ever had that happen was switching player team and/or "class"

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