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Trebor Coleman, continue or not?

PIo Koon

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well..i really really really want a Trebor Coleman model..ALMOST as much as a Plo Koon model..but thats being made


anyway since no one was making one i took a shot at making his head...and it looks...ok...but i think if some of the better modelers tried it would be alot better than what it is =O\


anyway hers the progress






if u don't know who it is this is who its suppose to look like






so let know if i should continue or not


personally i would rather someone with better modeling talents make it because im sure it would be alot better for everyone =O)

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Hmmmm i could make a new thread with poll!

What is your favourite Trebor Mint!



XXX Strong <-----(If you dont know trebor mints they arent some type of sexual sweet and indicated by the xxx the xxx stands for Xtra Xtra Xtra!)


Other<-----(If there is any)


*Notices people with flames are running at him puts a load of spam in the way to block them off but forgets spam multiplies the flames then runs off*

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Lucko...ur kinda making me mad...plz don't tell people to ignore my post...theres no reason y they should >=OI


anyway...im working on the neck and upper shoulders as we speak


thankx for the kind comments =O)...i just hope i can get a good final product worthy for JK2 =O\

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Just to let you guys know, I was planning on modeling Coleman, but hadnt announced it yet. Anyway go ahead and finish yours, but I do still plan on modeling Coleman.


BTW: I'm seriously not snaking anyone. Ask Sith II, I told him a few days ago that I was going to model him

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YAY..Kinja u rock...and im sorry i "forced" u to announce it..that means a longer wait for the model =O(...yes i will keep on working on my model...and maybe i could learn from u to since were both modeling the same thing =O)...do u have a chat program at all kinja?

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I barely ever post in these forums since i dont have much to add. But lurking around and watching the progress you guys make blows my mind. Keep workin on this model. Ive been waiting for this and Kit Fisto. They are my fave jedi's. Thanks to all you model making crazies for all the enjoyment youve added to my gaming. All i use are the models, the skins are boring.


check that new avatar, darth lardbutt.

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lol cognito...nice avator


well since u guys are into this post =OD...im gunu promote my other model


if u haven't seen it...i made a saber called "The Dragons Claw"


the model is done and rdy to be skinned and put in game...but seeing as i know nuthing about modding for JK2...and i can't skin..i need help


Sights from the skinning forums said he would try and skin it but wasn't sure if he could...no word on how its going


but if anyone wants to try and skin it and get it in game id really appreciate it and ive give u reference pics



anyway back to trebor...im kinda confussed on how to start the upper body but i'll find out somehow lol

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Continue with Coleman Trebor. It will be a learning experience for you if nothing else, but I'm sure you'll manage crank out a player model especially with the help of folks here. It may take some time, but there's no one in a hurry...

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