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Tried in vain to past NS Hideout


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I've been doing this level for the past week or so and I been trying in vain to past this level. So here's my problem. I got through all the main stuffs like the jumping puzzle, and moving the garbage carts so I can get through the opening. Gone through the snipers and to the area where you have to give the password to the machine.


Now that you know what I have done, here's where the problem is, getting the area where a switch which is behind two very large windows and the opening of the left cargo door back at the where the four compressor are (which I'm assuming this switch helps me open this door and leads me to Lando).


Anyone can help me with this? I would be very thankful if you could! Forgive me if this has been mention already, eventhough I haven't seen anything yet.


In the case if I can't get around this area. Anyone knows the cheat code to get to the Lando part.


Thanks a million :)

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Thanks for the tip. I went to that site already but still didn't get the clue from that site. BUT funny thing happen that, five minutes after I posted this thread, I finally figure out where I was suppose to go. I don't know if it's just the wording of how they explain it that I didn't get but I didn't go into the secret spot where you need to into this very small area (which you have to get down to even get into this area to the end of the bars to shot a Rodian and the container box to blow up a hole in the wall.


Anyways, maybe I'm just stupid and need better brains lol. But again, thanks for the tip!

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