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Sniper Wolf

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When I use my model in game and skinned, there are holes near the end of the arms that link to the torso and the arms kinda get all skinny when the lightsaber is swung. Also, when I use the lightsaber, most of the swings are distorted and the backstab doesnt turn the saber around, it stays forward. Do I have to weight the finger bones (the digits) to each hand? What is a good way to go about this and does anyone have some tips for minimizing distortion for a smooth model? Thanks.

- Wolf :jawa

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to fix the sword not turning around during backstab you must weight the tag bolt_r_hand to the bone rhang_tag_bone.

you should weight each bone that coresponds with each digit because when you model does things such as force push or grip it looks much better with each finger looking different.


tip - when assigning weights between joints set the Abs. for the verts to .50 for each bone.

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Dude what?

Alright this ****ing blows, I have followed the JK Modelling Tutorial by Spacemonkey to the t and everything has gone wrong. Does anyone know of a more complete tutorial? I just wanna be able to get my model to look normal in game and be able to use it. I can't uvmap and I don't know alot of the finer points to weighting and applying the tags since this is my first model. My model is still ****ed so that when I make the glm, Assimilate makes a model_default.skin with jeditrainer parts since nothing has worked to get rid of the texture coordinates and the legs and glasses won't even appear.

Madjai, man do you think I could contact you on AIM or something so you might be able to help? I've asked SilentMobius but he hasn't responded. My AIM screen name is Ataris1123. I promise I won't go all n00b on you.

- Wolf :jawa

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Spacemonkey's tutorial is complete crap. It's one of those tutorials that assumes you already know what to do. Kind of defeats the purpose of a tutorial, doesn't it?


If you find a good one, let me know.

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I guess the best bet would be to try to find some tutorial for weighting bones, and then trying to apply it to JK2. If anyone else has some tips or tricks feel free to post them. Anyone know some rules that should be applied that aren't mentioned in Spacemonkey's tutorial?

*Note: Spacemonkey's tutorial is excellent because it tells what you need to do to get a model in game, but it doesn't include the tutorials for doing the steps required. I'm sure someone will do it.

- Wolf :jawa

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Sorry I didn't mean to be rude, I just don't have ICQ but I think it would be a good idea for me to get it since a bunch of my fellow JKers have it. I will contact you.

Hehe that would be funny to just have the number to stare at..

"Hmm this ICQ number is incredible. Its like calligraphy the way it flows..." :rolleyes:

- Wolf :jawa

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Originally posted by Sniper Wolf

Dude what?

Madjai, man do you think I could contact you on AIM or something so you might be able to help? I've asked SilentMobius but he hasn't responded.


Wazzup, your last message on the other thread said that you were happy with my explaination?


Personally I found spacemonkey's tutorial to be fine other than assimilate not quite behaving (which I sorted without too much trouble), you can't explain how to create a mesh in a tutorial for a specific game engine, pro's spend years learning the finer points.


As far as a weighting tutorial goes, there isn't really much to say, it _all_ depends on the mesh you've made. If you want to a mesh part to not deform at all you assign all the verts the same weights. Where you want the mesh to deform smoothly you slowly weight from one bone to another, eg:

imagine a line of verticies 1-5


vertex | weight for bone 1 |  weight for bone 2
1      |  1                |  0
2      |  0.8              |  0.2
3      |  0.6              |  0.4
4      |  0.4              |  0.6
5      |  0.2              |  0.8
6      |  0                |  1


That sort of thing. Its 10% knowledge and 90% trial and error

When designing a model mage _sure_ that the pivots for the bones are in the place on the mesh where you would expect the mesh to pivot from.


When you are in Max, once you have weighted a bit. switch to the rotate tool and rotate the bone you've just attached the mesh to, see if the mesh moves the way you wanted (afterwards just undo the rotate)

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Emon posted:

"Spacemonkey's tutorial is complete crap. It's one of those tutorials that assumes you already know what to do. Kind of defeats the purpose of a tutorial, doesn't it? "


i would like to respond to emon's little flame post with this:


there have been numerous posts all over this board telling you how to use and do virtually everything in the modeling process, and i have posted numerous times about how to do what. its all a matter of finding the items. If you have questions about something simply ask. If possible, would some enterprising individual be able to track down the posts in here with information about what does what? i know there have been full walkthrus on how to setup assimilate, what directory structure should be used, in addition to information about importing, exporting. I do agree some stuff is left out from the tutorial but it is far from crap. Make one yourself if you believe his is crap.

if people really want another tutorial about it i might find the time to add onto his. Simply post what information you require in here and i will try to add to what is already there.

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I think it would be pretty helpful to explain the Assimilate in great detail because it took me (and many others) quite a long time to figure it out and apply the knowledge to exporting into a GLM. I will write this part if that's ok with everyone. Sithlord, maybe if you would like, you could go over the finer details of weighting and using the Abs. effect, that is a great feature and little known. Madjai just taught me about it last night. Anyways, expect my part of the tutorial very soon.

- Wolf :jawa

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Originally posted by Sniper Wolf

Sithlord, maybe if you would like, you could go over the finer details of weighting and using the Abs. effect, that is a great feature and little known. Madjai just taught me about it last night. Anyways,

I just looked in the max help for the skin modifier rollout, it explains what to do there.


Additionally, here is Anavel's thread on Assimilate during which I worked out how it works.


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