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Any U2 Fans in here? Bono model WIP


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I know, I know... Bono who? And who the fock cares Bono... whatever!


Well, got a lot of freetime, and Iama hardcore U2 fan. So thats why :) But anyway, there were rumors that Bono will be in Episode 2. He didn't make it, so I do...


Please, don't attack me, it's a really hard job, I need good imressions :) I hope with skins he'll have a better look.


Here are some WIP images








God bless!

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Bono, yeah! What a guy, tries to change the world as best he can and uses his celebrity influence do draw attention to world issues. And his music isn't bad either. Makes me proud to be Irish.


Admittadly, I NEVER, EVER imagined him with a lightsaber or a thermal detonator, but anything is possible with the right skills and tools, and from what I see here you're off to a great start.


As you say with skins, etc. He'll look magic. His his old-worn looking green military type jacket won't look out of place in this dynamic enviornment.



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Yupp! The modell will be available with and without shades. And with lot of clothes. Iam so stupid I forgot to made with him original sounds like:


"The force is strong with you, but you're not a jedi yet"




"Fear is my ally"




"I am your father" :) etc...


maybe later


And yeah! Maybe with a lightsaber or with a distruptor riffle it's much more easier to save the world :)

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Hey, that's really good! Even if people don't care for Bono, from the looks of that, it would make a really good base for SW related skins :D Maybe if you have time and feel like it, you could throw some tabards on him so he can be turned into a great Jedi :D

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That's for the skinners to handle, and he didn't say yet whether he's doing just a model or a skin to go with it. I agree, it could be a cool base for a SW based figure... *envisions a Jedi who just happens to be named Bono*

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Ok! It seems I really stucked! Unwarpin, weghtin is too much... Is there anybody outthere who's hobbies are these things? :) Iam workin in max3. I also imported the bones the tags. I better would do the skinning now, but Im a newby in this stuff, and know nobody who can help mey. Anybody?

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"Don't give up" - Kate Bush


I'm at the same place now with my BattleDroid UVW mapping is _SLOW_ work, just keep plodding along you'll get there eventually. Just don't Weight first as collapsing the mesh will destroy the skin modifier


Actually Bono Vox is a very StarWars name. Spooky.

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Threre is nothig bad with its speed. Modelling was also slow. But This is the first time, and there are parts on my model, which I just don't know how to map. For example the shades. I want them to be transparent, but I dont know that the shades must be a shape only or not...

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Finally... my two favourite things merge... U2 and Star Wars!! Am I in heaven?!?!


I think Bono should have stuuble and shades... thats by far his coolest look.


I think I'll end my (pretty pointless) reply with an adaptation of a famous song or two:


"It's a Beautiful Model!"... "With or Without Shades"!!!

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You are by far not the only U2 fan here. I think I'm going to have to make a Jedi named Bono when you come out with this model. Think I can do a skin for him?


Anyway on the subject of puns, last year, on the way to a U2 concert, there was a fire on the train tracks that delayed our arrival in NYC. I don't even think I need to say the pun my friend and I came up with for that memorable [perhaps unforgettable?] event ;)

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You are gonna make him the right height... aren't you? He is a bit, well, vertically challenged, is our Bono!


Maybe when you've done this, you could make the Edge! Even better, make a mod of a weapon so it looks like a guitar! Excellent!

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ALL models are the same height. At least, all humanoid models are. It's up to certain aspects in game to change them. If you want to resize them in MP, you MUST have the mod for it first. If you want to resize them in SP, you must first get them spawnable, then use the .npc file you make to aid you in this to determine the height.


Anyway, I have a really interesting idea for a skin to this model, IF I can turn off the glasses. Will this be a selectable surface, I hope?

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