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kicking players with spaces in their names...


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I've found a couple of posts here on the forums describing how to kick players with spaces in their name, but nothing seemed to be without complications. Is there an easy way to do it? And where can I get a list of the RCON commands? Thanks...

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Use clientkick. The 1st colums when you type in rcon status is the person's client number. The command /rcon clientkick that number will then boot the guy. eg:


/rcon status shows this:

map: jedi_academy
num score ping name            lastmsg address               qport rate
--- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
 2     3   83 Death_Stall {JA       0   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 64926 25000
 3    40  155 Phr00t [JAT]          0     xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 21540 10000
 4     2  183 Rauc Krauwen [J       0   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 40682  4000
 5     3  331 Jacen [Lard Ass       0   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 22848 25000
 6     6  653 Sinister_Evil         0   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070  6433  4000
 7     3  152 Leem                  0    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 25086 99999
 8     4  213 ^4Mercen4ry^5[J       0   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 47695 25000
 9     0  125 ^!Carnage            50    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070 65341  4000
10    15  111 ^4{^7SKX^4}Dark       0       xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:-886 54557 99999
11     0  161 Rahn del Sol         50    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28070  8107 25000


If i wanted to kick Death Stall i would type in:

/rcon clientkick 2


Hope this helps!

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