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Screenshots of Skin???


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How do I make good screenshots of my skin to sumit :mad: . I was gonna take some using the model viewer...but every time I try to view my model it says that it can't read....everything.....and the skin is white. It worked while I was making the skin...but when I got done it just stopped. Also, how do I make a readme file :( ..... ... ....... ..

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as in submit it on a site or in a forum? I guess just open your model in your moddeling program and take a screen shot of it, save it and host it somewhere and when posting it just put in the url to it.

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I mean take a screenshot and sumit it. I played with it in the game but I don't have a bot for it....so I couldnt really get a good shot of him while using him myself. I think its a pretty gewd skin considering its only my 2nd skin...well you probably can say 1st....and I think its worthy to be sumited if I can get a decent screenshot for people to see and figure out how to put in a readme.....unless the people at JKii.net take it anyway without those 2 things...cuz i sumited it lol.

I'll describe him instead!

I modified the kyle model by adding more grey hair.....putting a scar over his right eye(not one of those dark red...ugly scars but a more realistic looking one:p ). Then I changed his clothes almost completely. I put him with brownish-black armor with white-grey pants and shirt. 2 of his figures are exposed from his glove on his saber hand. In his armor, gloves, and boots there are indentions that are colored grey. Tried to shade it to make it look like it curves inward. Thats about it :D .


Future Katarn!

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to get frontal view of you playing as your skin in mp:

enabled cheats (devmap current_level)

type into the console: cg_thirdpersonangle 180

type into the console: bind j screenshot

press j


if your images arent showing up in modview chances are the paths are wrong in your model_default.skin

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Other things to change the screen view:

cg_thirdpersonangle x (where x is a number between 0 and 360)

cg_thirdpersonvertoffset x (x is any number. I recommend -10)

cg_thirdpersonrange x (x is a number between 0 and 1000. I recommend 40)


Hope that helps.

To see yourself with a blaster or other weapon, click P (=thirdperson view)

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