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WIP: Trebor, Coleman

PIo Koon

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hey again everyone


ok thankx to boba i got the legs done...although im not to happy the way they look from the side view...heres the pic




and as u could guess i got a Robe view to...im very happy the way this one looks =O)




post ur comments...i'll have the hood/no hood very soon




Trebor needs a skin =O(...not a crappy one...but one that will do him justice...if anyone wants to take a shot at skinning him id appreciate it =O)

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I think you should make the "skirt-thing" (whats the name on that, anyway?) longer. dunno if it's "correct" but I sure think it would look a LOT cooler...


lookin' good anyhow, keep it up!

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item..thankx and i do think he does need more harder edges...but ive had alot of trouble getting the shape of his head...probly 2 hours worth of shaping o_O..so it hink im going to leave it unless its a major prob...i still have yet to do the eyes...aye


Also guys PLZ ANSWER!!!!

is 1500 - 1700 to high?...the legs+feet were more polies than i thought...if it will cause lag i will try and bring it down some more...but hooded is looking nice =O)


thankx Bradfu..imglad u like it =O)

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heh...its ok Boba...and to ur e-mail


yes i will help u make Kit Fisto...i think i can get the shape of his head right...its not that hard (people say it is but its just a regular head with alien eyes and about 6 tentacles) but ive never tried so iw ouldn't know =OD


anyway...check this post...i'll edit it and add the picutres...im uploading now




here they are =O)...all my works done..finally the hard stuff is over...now for touchups and hunting down a skinner and someoen who can get it in game...aye lol





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Hoooooleeey Sh*t. I was just advising you on the head shape a few hours ago, and now you have hands and legs and the head itself almost nailed. You guys make a great team.

The only thing notably missing (as far as I can see) to do there on the head is a sort of hard ridge going down the centre of his 'forehead'. Oh that and the eyes- but you know that yourself.

I think you should go with your head Plo, but Boba's efforts make everything come together.

Looking forward to Fisto especially if you demonstrate the first-rate teamwork you've shown here- Hey model him with the grin :D

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lol Genthar...as i said earlier...were a community..there should be more of what me and boba are doing =O)..couldn't of been here without him heh


and yes i know...those were just getting the shape down...im going back for more detail of the head now and maybe more on upper torso...i have completed one eye socket...and once i get the toher done..nostrils..and mouth...ill work on the ridge...and if i have enough room...his veins between his eyes and nose =O)

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it is....but thats kinda odd


see i talked to Brad-Fu on MSN...and he said he would love to skin 'ole Trebor here...BUT...we need a Unwrapper to set it up for skinning...sooo...i think thats more of a modeling thing...so post in this section ok?

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You guys are amazing.


I cant believe all the work youve done! I really like the Coleman with the robe and the hood back. It looks a little odd with the hood up.


For the Kitt Fisto head, I just looked on my toy of him and there are like 19 visible dread type thangs. They probably dont need to all be seperate, some are bound together with wrap type things. Just thought id throw that out there.


You guys rule



Darth tubby avatar in effect.

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