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WIP: Trebor, Coleman

PIo Koon

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Boba yes of course!!!!!


theres no way im going to **** u over like that...its not right...after all i couldn't of gotten this far without u!!!!


after my parents go to sleep i'll send u it cuz my dad complains about network traffic laggin him when i sent big files heh


but now...may i present to u..the first EVER...in game screenie...of the famous...Coleman Trebor






as u can see theres no skin =O)...but hes still to play as...theres a few kinks needing working out (IE: hands overlap saber, problem with back in switching stances, thats mianly it)


but everything is ready and done...the mapping needs to be adjusted however...so Bradfu can't skin it yet =O(...but i think musashi is working on that so no worries


if u guys want more screenies of him in game ask...i didn't get alot because its not skinned and isn't really much to look at


but to me its ALOT...hope u guys enjoy it and thankx for the support



BTW - if u look at the hands..u'll probly think "WTF did they do his hands!!!"


we did nuthing...as u can see some things are shadows and others are bright...the hands are pefectly fine


when i saw it i was like aw man..the hands are ****ed...but closer look and views show that they are perfectly fine...so no worries

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Waheyyyy! Great to see him in game Plo and Boba. When he's skinned he'll be great. It must have "brought warm feeling to your heart" to see him move and such in the game engine.


On the subject of killing him in AOTC, I believe that it's really just a plot device to show how good Jango is with a blaster. Here comes this cool looking Jedi Master from the council, who confronts Dooku, but is slain by a deadshot bounty hunter. Anyone who can get one over on a Jedi with a blaster is totally badass. Unfortunatly, we had to loose Coleman to have this point enforced :( Still I have a feeling he'll live on in this game for a long time to come :)

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(to support) thankx guys =O)...im REALLY glad u all like it


(to genthar) yea i know thats why they did that...


BUT...do we really know if he died or not?...i mean u just see him fall u don't see him hit the ground and stop breathing....he could have lived =O).....i mean everyone knows he died.....but...NOT IN MY UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =OD


(to boba) yea sorry i forgot to tell u


to get him in game...u must get into a server has anyone


then once ur moving around...open the console and type this exactly


model trebor


and your player model will turn into trebor =O)

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heh yea


and boba...HELP US FIND ERRORS!!!


ys we know about the back issue...and hand holding onto saber issue...and there are some messed up arm animations but i don't think they can be seen from regular moves...and i think thats it


but if u see anything give me a PM with it

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I made a quik skinning (its not the official BradFu is skinning the official) using paint so the colors will look ugly


but the only errors i saw was the back and hands and i saw the force powers are off his hands:; for example,

when I used the lighting power it came out below his hand.


Here are some in game







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I added the .skin file to the PK3 of him so you no longer have to look at that ugly sliver model. I sent the PK3 with the Skin file in it to Boba so he could make a skin for it. I'm gonna make a skin too. I have found one error with Trebor. His shoulder blades. When he swings the saber they sink in and sometime create a hole that you can see through. Other than that, he is tremendously awesome. PIO Koon, if you want the updated PK3 file with the .skin file in it, just let me know.

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