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Please Help !! Z_Malloc error


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im at the end of my rope. I am getting an error that says Z_Malloc error, failed to allocate x # of bytes. It happens at the same time every time when the SP console tries to load the next map. (mining facility, detention center). I only found 2 other threads about the same thing, but no responses. I have 20 gigs of free space and 256 megs of DDR. I did find a posting on another sight where someone said they fixed the same issue by changing a command called R_ext_compressed_textures to 1 instead of 0. How would I go about doing this? any other suggestions? Please help, I reallly want to play this game!!! :( Ive tried re-installing, changing settings, all that. Im using a 32 meg Radeon.

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Maybe you really are running out of memory.


I don't know what OS you have but try and run a performance monitor in the background (mainly monitoring available memory) and then run up JK2. At the point where it fails quit back to the desktop and have a look at the performance monitor.


My available RAM was going from 400MB to 21MB just loading the first level. Framerates of 10-20 fps. Deinstalling/reinstalling stuff and reapplying my service pack resolved this memory issue. Framerates now 40's-80's depending on settings.


See my post in LucasForums > Network > JediKnightII.net > Help Center > Technical Help > freezing and look for "JK leaves me with 21MB RAM" (and the follow up).


Here's an example of my perfmon trace:



After the uninstall/reinstall/re-service pack I now have 180MB free insead of 21MB - even using 1024x768.




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