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Ideas for single player addon for jk 2


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I'm gonna get into map making in the near future with jedi outcast and I thought I'd just share some ideas of what I would like to do once I've worked out the inerds of jedi outcast, these ideas are for a single player addon since thiers no co-op mod yet and when I say addon I mean like a mission pack not extra features or added saber styles...etc.


Since kyle katarn took up the lightsaber again and is now a jedi again, I think it would be cool to create a mission pak were he does a few missions as a jedi master then returns to Luke's Jedi Academy to take on a padawan and take on more missions given to him by luke, the padawan would be like and ai assistant through the missions and as mission are completed successfully he slowly becomes a jedi knight himself, I would also think it would be cool if during some of the missions kyle and his padawan encounter a sith or Dark Jedi who tries to turn kyles apprentice to the dark side by using a heap of mind tricks on him for example, although you can't use mind tricks on jedi's it could be a way to turn the apprentice, maybe a modified mindtrick that isn't used in the same manner as the normal mind trick.

The mission pack could have two directions it could go, if your apprentice is seduced to the dark side, then your mission would change to bringing him back or killing him, and if he isn't seduced then you continue on your original mission.


Another idea is that kyle finds Tavion and turns her to the light side and continues her training.


I know these idea sound like a anikan/vader recreatition and may not be totally original but its allowing the player to finally do some missions as a jedi master and gives you th chance to face some missions/challenges with an apprentice, besides these are risks all masters have when training jedi's. The only problem with these idea's would be with the AI padawan, thier might be lots of problems with the ai programming, and the padawan may become annoying, getting in the way, dying real easily...etc but I would still love to make a mission pack lie this.


What does everyone think? please reply and tell me your thought and if you are already really good with mapping, level creation, let me know how possible doing something like this is?


One last thing, the above would be better suited in multiplayer with a co-op mod but will a mod allow that much?

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I don't mean to sound like a kill-joy, here, but Kyle doesn't strike me as the "I'll-take-on-a-Jedi-sidekick-and-take-orders-from-Luke" kinda guy. He's too independent and active to follow under the ways of the Jedi (plus, he doesn't like the ways that Jedi do things), and he's far from being the best "teacher" of the Force. Especially after he dabbles in the Dark aspects of it (Lightning, Grip, etc). More than likely, he'll continue to offer his serveces to the New Republic in exchange for his usual salery, aided by the convenience of his Force powers - with Jan (his new main squeeze) by his side to keep his Dark edge in check. That, or he could very-well let his skills atrophy once again, still in fear of falling to the Dark Side - or not really feeling up to honing the responsibilities of a Jedi Knight. Anything's possibile with this guy, but becoming a master and training a padawan, while possible, is not very likely.


Besides, the Jedi Academy is a training ground; much different than the old Jedi ways. The teachings during and before the Old Republic were, for the most part, destroyed. This left Luke and his students to conjur up new ways to teach the ways of the Force. If anything, a "modern" student wouldn't have any one teacher; and a teacher wouldn't have any one student.


But that asside, your idea sounds rather fun and intreaguing.


As for ides...Well, because of the limitations of the AI, it'd make sense to have Kyle's partner "split off" into another portion of the level - perhapse having each other "check in" once in a while to acknowledge mission progression. During large combat or boss situations, Kyle's partner would re-join and battle along. This way, we can forgo figuring out how we could impliment jumping puzzles or confined spaces (air ducts) with an AI partner in mind. Esentailly, the levels can be designed similar to the first one in JK2, albeit with more chances for Kyle-to-padawan interaction and battle oportunities.

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THe one thing most people are over looking is that Tavion knows where the valley of the jedi is. Doesn't this bother anyone else?



She could easily storm pass any New republic troops or jedi left to guard it and give herself a little super-charging or build up a hugh army of reborns/shadowtroopers. Take Desanns AI add some more hitpoints and we have SUPER TAVION! Or just leave Tavion's AI and just as some hitpoints, because IMO she was alot tougher then Desann.

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