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My New Level....

Max Aldar

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Wes, I'd appreciate it, the person I was going to ask is:

A. Way too confusing to work with :D

B. Needs way too much info I haven't thought of:D


Anyway, pm me and I'll get back to you.



(on an unrelated note, what's the difference between models and prefabs? I know, but the person I'm talking to on msn doesn't seem to...)





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

give me the details and i'll do it. if you want i can send you my sign if youwant an ida of my skill:lol: cause i ain't too good...

btw i can do it in aurbesh



Ok it will say: Jango Fetts Ships with the end of the "s" make it long. And thnx!




Email is Bobafett6665@world.att.net

If email not work try Bobafett6665@worldnet.att.net

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