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Multiplayer join help!


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I would buddy but I don't know how... Have you tried reinstalling the game? get the latest drivers for your videocard and motherboard etc? Try that... Maybe DirectX... Get the latest version of that as well. That's all I can give you...

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I could have helped you earlier but you didn't answer my message.

The wickedGL drivers fix most of the voodoo card problems.

Originally posted by UrzaTRI

It should work with a Voodoo 5 5500 AGP, but may take bit of tinkering.


When I first installed and ran the a similar game such as Medal of Honour: Allied Assault, none of the video sequences at the start would show and the menu system's text was so horribly corrupted that it made menu navigation impossible.


Heres how I fixed it:


1) I downloaded WickedGL from http://www.wicked3d.com/technology/wickedgl.htm and installed it.


2) I went into the dir where I installed Medal of Honour: Allied Assault and found the exe file, and I renamed it quake3.exe


3) Then I ran the WickedGL control panel, and told it to look for the game Quake 3 in my Medal of Honour: Allied Assault dir.


4) It told me it had found a copy and asked me if I wanted to install the MiniGL driver there, so I clicked OK.


5) I closed the WickedGL control panel, went back into my Medal of Honour: Allied Assault dir and renamed quake3.exe back to its original name


Now when I run the game I get the WickedGL shareware message which says press 'C' to continue, and then the game works fine!


My PC is as follows:

PIII 700mhz


Voodoo 5 5500 AGP

SB LiVE! Value

Windows 2000 Pro

DirectX 8.1


The game runs like a dream on my machine in 800x600x32 :D


This should also work with Jedi Knight II seeing as though the graphics engine is also based on the Quake 3 engine. Give it a try and make sure you have the latest drivers for your card!!

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As a matter of fact I already have WickedGL and fixed another previous problem (all the text in multiplayer was blocky) and it really improved the framerate in singleplayer too. Unfortunately I still can't join multiplayer games.

By the way, what's the latest driver for Voodoo3 3000 and where would I get it?


P.S.- How much is a Voodoo5? My card came with my computer.

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