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The Pings Are fine but it lags?


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Here are some general tips:


The sv_maxrate should be between 5000-10000 most of the time. If it is set too high, all your bandwidth gets sucked up and if set too low, the server can't send all the data it needs to send.


sv_fps should be set to 20, period. More or less creates lag and doesn't provide any real benefit to the players.


Running the server and game on the same box requires a lot of cpu power and RAM. It's best to run the server on a separate box. If you don't have a choice, I'd say run the mp game as the server so you only have one instance running. Of course, the mp game doesn't always advertise on the master server, but chances are if you're running the game and server on the same box, it's not really dedicated anyway. Get off your powertrip and join someone elses dedicated server. ;)

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Originally posted by Sith Viper

\Matrix i have an athlom 1800 xp with 1 gig of memory ...Could i play on the same box im serving?


I have an athalon 1.2GHz w/256DDR RAM and I do it. Of course I run a very small dual server (6 public slots and 4 private) but my machine pulls it off with minimal problems. I doubt you could run a 32 slot FFA or CTF but who knows till you try!



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