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Does anyone know if it's possible to mod MP to use all 5 saber styles and other ?


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Also possibly removing other stances from your cycle? Example, I prefer using the fast styles the best(IMHO how saber fighting should be), so I would like to have only the 2 blue styles available to me.

That way I don't have to cycle through the other styles, just the 2. Could either of these things also be done in Sp, especially removing the other cycles?


I would also like to remove lightning from single player and possibly reduce Desaan's force abilities. I want to have a saber battle with him and Tavion; not a force battle. I hate that Raven got cheap to make him tough.

Also, just to let you know, this is for my personal pleasure. I'm not trying to release a mod, unless no one else is interested in doing so. If someone else is making a mod that does these things, please tell me. I would love to test it. If these ideas will require actual coding of the source then I'm sh*t out of luck unless someone else does do it. Please let me know either way.


I apologize if these things have been covered in a previous post, but I have been looking through the threads for the last several hours and haven't seen any.


Are any of these things even possible?


I appreciate all replies, Thanks :)



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No one has ANY idea if any of this is possible?


Right now I especially want to know about the possibility of lowering Desaan's force abilities. Or atleast taking certain powers away from him.

I just want to know if it's possible without serious code changes?


Again, Thank You to anybody who responds to this.

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