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USA's electoral system's a joke


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Originally posted by NightFallMyriad

One day, a man woke up and decided:


"Hey, let's start a system of living based on greed and violence, man's most destructive forces! Yeah! This will be great!"


Thus capitolism was born, and the world has been a worse place ever since...


Now, I live in Canada, and I have to tell you, I've been to America, and I really like it. The people are very nice and the scenery is in fact very close to home.




I could rant on and on (and on), but I won't right now. I'm not anti-American, I just hate the American government, policies, president and things that it represents. The people are really quite nice. Too bad they have no say in things like who's representing their country...




Are you crazy? I am not trying to flame or anything but you have no idea what you are talking about. What it represents, what are you saying it represtents? YOu have got to be one of the most ignorent people i know.

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*sigh* :( . could we please not insult people here? "bush is an idiot" "al gore sucks", enough already. this is about the electoral system, not the candidates in it. everyone understand?... good. I don't want to treat you like children but I will if you act like children. if you can't make a comment about the subject at hand, please don't comment at all. I think most of us would agree that the electoral system has flaws that should be fixed. one person should have one vote. right now it's unfair to democrats in republican states and republicans in democratic states. people should be able to vote with the feeling that they can make a difference. right now that isn't happening.

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