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if someone would build a lvl for me plz read


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i was wondering if someone could build me a single player map lvl from star wars episode 1 if they could contact me via AIM at "XzavierSleete" tht be kool. the lvl i had in mind was the find with darth maul the player being either obi-wan or darth maul since qui-gon dies and if darth maul could have the double bladed saber plz contact me for further information






thanx i apreciate it

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unzip the file into your gamedata directory and then load it from the mods screens in the game. Then open the console and type "map pit2".


It's a try for the episode one's last duel. Well you fight with tavion and before that tavion fights with jedi trainer but it looks like the last duel of episode1.


NOTE : pls tell me how it is, because that's the 3rd time i mention this map and noone told anything about it :D


I'll give up on this project thou.

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