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Just beat Tavion! :)


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Well, I finally beat Tavion, and well, it was easy ( I am on Jedi diff lvl)


Here's what I did:


Right as the fight begans, I just shot some lightning on her, that makes her jump into the air. Then I released two of those flying droid things (seekers). While Tavion was attacking the seekers, I just slashed at her and shot some more lightning, once she ignored the seekers and started to attack me, I just relased another one :) Then I just did a medium finisher, then backstabed. :cool:


Well, I have one complaint, how is kyle using lvl three force grip durring the cut sceen??? :eek::D


Well, that's my story....


-teutonicknight :saberb:

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Maybe his adreniline(sp) was pumping after he whooped her down and wanted some answers about his honey..or venge... or whatver, maybe there is a connection between force and adreniline, as there is for adreniline and real life power..... that's my penny for a thought

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