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My first saber form...kinda cool


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I am a former student of Shim Gum Do..its a Korean style of saber fighting(meaning a sowrd with one edge) We were always working on our sword forms..so I thought it would be neat to create a Jedi saber form...Its short..but its my first..I have tried to use the 3 syles given to us...of course all teh moves are not used..but then agaibn its the first form.... I think I will make more...oding teh forms I came up with some col combos..this form may also help new players get a fell for the game and saber duels...so what do you all think ....am I just a helpless JK2 looser..who would some of you like to see the demo of the form



--I know Im a helpless looser..but hey I thinks its a neat idea



PS and no the butt attack is not in the form

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No, it's a grrrreat idea you have there.

I'd love to see a demo of your saber fighting.


Hmmm.... I think you can't actually code new saber styles yet, but you can of course use the moves given to you, to create your own saber style. It's what most people playing really do, though they might not always think about how they fight.


Anyway, I, personally, would like to see a demo of you fighting...

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Its just a shadow form...not really combat with other bots or players..more or less..its set up againts invisable oppenets...but Ill try and get the demo here to be downlowded forim a post..or I can emial you it

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