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which model do u want made??  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. which model do u want made??

    • 4-lom
    • biker scout
    • Eeth koth
    • kit fisto
    • luke skywalker
    • old ben
    • saesee tiin
    • shaak ti
    • tusken raider
    • x-wing pilot

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Umm.. too bad hes a jedi... Just cause he looks like a demon doesnt mean he is bad. Also shaak ti is very cool, next time you post you might wanna use a spell checker ^_-, cause you spelled almost everything wrong, not to mention your vulgar language. Go shaak ti, ^_^.

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maybe some fans of the lesser known people on the list should post some ref. pics, cause i dont know who half those characters are (and i couldnt find them searching either). and also remember, this modeller is amazing, so lets not choose a character that just anyone could model, plo koon is complicated, as should be the model we choose here. utilize his skills, he's got talent, lets not put it to waste (i.e. ben kenobi, any modeller could do a decent model of him.)

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oh and a couple more things...


what in the hell is a 4-lom?

someone is making a biker scout already.

i thought someone started a kit fisto, but maybe not.



"what do you mean you dont drink!? drinking's my entire life! you've gotta start drinking!"

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Umm, not really. Someone can just reskin the luke model for jk2. And robes? Why robes? Why the hell does everybody like them, there just for travel, not many jedi use them in battle, luke didnt. So.. thats prettty pointless, as modeling a new luke is.

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if its a younger luke you want, the wisest choice would be to simply skin him younger, no point in making a new model.


...and robes....i don't think are too necessary....


a few characters wear them constantly though, and those are the ones who SHOULD be modelled in their robes...

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