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Force Seeing


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I'm looking to change the yellow glow around people when you use Force Seeing. I can't seem to find the graphic files that relate to seeing, i'm wondering if anybody knows?


I hope to change it from yellow lines to like.. a blue ghosty effect. I think it'd be cooler to see the essences of people rather than yellow lines.

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Took me awhile to work out (about 12 hours) but... it's to do with the Shaders (MP.shader)


Now, i've never done anything with shaders before in my entire life.. so I just played with it and cut/pasted lines from other effects until I got what I liked.


I scrolled down and found the appropriate thing it uses, powerups/sightshell. It's kinda hard to explain, because even I don't know what the hell I did, so i'll just paste the part I edited.




qer_editorimage gfx/effects/xanchrome

deformvertexes bulge 0 2 0


map gfx/mp/sightshell

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen const ( 0.000000 0.150000 0.650000 )

tcMod rotate -5



map gfx/mp/sightshell

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen wave sin 0.2 0.05 0 1

tcMod rotate 10




Hope that helps. Oh yeah, and I made my own chrome effect. I simply put a moderately grey 64x64 jpg into gfx/effects/ DIR. I think the chrome pic is the transparency of the actual glow.


I'm gonna screw around with it a bit more and see what I come up with :)


Hope I didn't forget anything..

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If anyway can make (or tell me what to edit to make) a purple or teal Force Sight glow, let me know!

I played around with it and learned one lil tidbit.

The sightshell.jpg is the part of the glow you see 'thru walls'

If you pay attention to how sight works, there are in a sense 2 glows. 1 is the body and 1 is the aura (best way I can explain it)

Anyway the sightshell.jpg is the part that shows up thru walls when you have sight set to level 2 or 3.


Hope that helps.











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