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Palace Balconies Beta Test (sign up here)


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Hey all!


Palace Balconies is my first map to be published, but I am goin'a need your help.


This Map may not be the prettiest you've ever seen, but I was focusing on the gameplay--this map is a Canyon Oasis style map (open and easy to get around)--and the setting is night. This is basically an experiment to test how dark I could make a map and it still being perfectly playable.


If you would like to help me in the pre-beta testing of this map, simply put down your e-mail and I will send you the zip containing the pk3 and Beta Chart (1.53 megs)


I wish I could post some screens--but as screwy as it might sound--my screenshots only take a quarter of the screen. So if any of you could also help me by taking some nice screens I would be very appreciative.


A couple of my friends were playing on this map, which was a test, when I realized I had something special here. This is quite a fun map and already my favorite of the bunch.


Again, anyone who is interested post below and say so!



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