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Couple Questions


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Alright Please Awnser quick i have to go soon.I need the awnsers to these questions:

1.I got jk2 about 5 days ago,brand new,and it wont write to jk2config or jk2mpconfig.I copied it to every folder it created when i relized the problem,but still the problen exists.I tried renaming the config(s) so it would create a new one,but that didnt work either.Please help.

2.I cant seem to make a demo.I type the required fields then typed /record (namehere) and it pops up with it failing to create it.The problem exists with screenshots also.



This is a brand new game,and it messes up!Please help!And i have a Windows XP laptop and a Windows 98 and the problem exists with both.

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1.Probably you use the safemode shortcuts to start the game. Running the game in safemode restores default setting.

Or you could try this : When you are in game open the console ( shift + key left to 1) and enter

writeconfig jk2config.cfg .

2. Create a textfile in your base folder and paste

//REcord Demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"

in, then save the file as autoexec.cfg. Use F12 to record a demo.

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Just real quick,how do i enter without doing safemode?I copied the Single Player and MultiPlayer Links to my desktop and use those.Those are the files

jk2mp and jk2sp


Oh and on the Windows98(this pc im on right now) it does demos and screenshots.Thanks anyway.Let me try your advice with writing it to the config really quick.

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Just real quick,how do i enter without doing safemode?I copied the Single Player and MultiPlayer Links to my desktop and use those.Those are the files jk2mp and jk2sp

Go to the file properties and check that there's no "+exec setlanguage.cfg +safe" in the commandline.

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