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==>AWMP: Coruscant Skyscraper<==

Wes Marrakesh

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Hey. I have something to moan about in your new screenies :D You know those strip lights on the ceiling? dont make them go from one side of the wall to the other strehcting the whole length. Make them shorter :D If i am right it should look better.


-Lucko Mabri

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thanks for the support guys


Grets, it's been like 2 days :p

I've been adding guns and spawns and items and such

Gave the hangar a forcefield

both elevators work

fixed areaportals

added room to fall down and die by going

AAAHHHHHHHHH *splat on ferrocrete*

read: trigger_hurt with damage at -1

music has been decided upon.

almost ready!

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Ok i waited out a lengthy FullVis compile time, hoping to take some screenies and release the map to the beta people, but guess what?




































Ok.... you don't know so i'll tell you:swear: : When i try to run it throught the console, it says 'Starting up' then it brings up and error window that reads (i think):


SV_SetBrushMode: NULL


and i click ok and it goes back to main menu. WTF?? PLEASE HELP!!!!:swear::swear::swear:

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