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==>AWMP: Coruscant Skyscraper<==

Wes Marrakesh

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As far as I know--the Quake III Arena engine does not support ladders.




There is a nifty (and pain in the a##) way of making a ladder--sometimes this will work--and sometimes this wont--you have to keep trying it. Also--it doesn't look THAT great anyway.


It is better to use GTK for this one--you need to be able to make as small a brush as possible--I think the smallest JKRAD grid is 1--the smalles GTK is 0.25


Make a ladder with brushes--but--make each strut just one increment skinnier than the other--so the top strut is smaller than the one below it.


Ok--with that done--


pull out the handy-dandy nodraw brush.


now make microscopic steps--from each strut to each strut--you you have one staircase per 2 struts. Follow me?--no--Ok..


Each stair case should have only 3 steps in it--and remember--you want them as thin as possible--I really should insert a screen but I don't know how.


This worked in Quake--but I suppose there is another way--a much EASIER way....


Make a Ladder.


Then place a trigger brush so it covers up--but just BARELY the ladder. Then right click on the trigger brush in the 2D view and select trigger_push.


Then, with the trigger brush selected again press "N" and check the "make linear" box.


Then turn the speed down to 40 or whatever you want--the default is 1000 and that is waaaaayyy to fast.


Then right click in the 2D view and Select the Info_Position entitie--and place it just above your ladder.


Deselect--then selected your trigger brush--then your Info Position in THAT order--and press cntrl-K




A ladder that probably won't work but give it a try anyways.

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

i meant more like feedback...


Heh, yeah I think that's right lucko...



"I care"-- Luke

At least, I would, if I could find them!

Oh well...





I also just realized that Wes is a copycat. Compare the titles:

==>AWMP<==Coruscant Skyscraper

>:AGSP:< Mimban Temple

Notice a similarity?





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Imitiation is the sincerist form a flattery, Grets ;)

it is not copycatting but a good idea!

and you only just noticed that?

And what do you hold against cats, dog lover? :mad:

what do you mean, find them? click on the link to the photo index!

oh and karshadii, i thought about a trigger__push, but then i though: how would you get back down? you would keep landing on the trigger!:confused:

oh well

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Well, if you put it that way...


And I am absoloutly, positively, NOT a dog lover.

Cats are the true masters of the universe.


Anyway, back on topic here :D

(I know it's a good idea, that's why I adopted it...)

Photo index, I'll check...





Your background makes it hard to see...

Nice screens.





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Hold on, let me check...






Yeah, looks good :thumbsup:!

Amd about those clip brushes, you may want to clip(the tool) them so it looks exactly like the model. It looks weird when your floating on nothing...


Oh, and I don't understand your jedi outcast screenshots, I would have at least put some weird pictures up(like some stormie swimming above a computer consel, guess who's seen that...:D)





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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I just skyboxed and run...

one of my hangar walls is a HOM even though it is structural

The hangar elevator (func_train) spawns in a corner of the map and won't move

and as i go from floor 2 to 3 i get this wierd effect that is thiis angled image, mostly grey with white stripes.

WTF IS WRONG:confused: :confused::mad:

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Your site seems to be down Wes.


And as for that ladder texture. Raven apparently didn't implement that into JK2 for whatever reason. It was however implemented in Elite Force. All you have to do in EF is make a brush with the ladder texture big enough for the player to fit inside and that's it, the climb animations gets turned on and you can climb up or down. Theres is no climb animation for JK2, they probably didn't feel like having to account for someone with a saber in their hands while climbing, I guess.


You're best bet would be to not even worry about the ladder, and just use a lift or stairs instead.

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

manquesa, i've been having funky elevator issue for a while now, i had to go to func_trains and those spawn out of place and don't move... *sigh*

looks like i need a pics update!


Make sure you have an origin brush as part of your func_train and that you didn't add it after you made the func_train. It's very important that you select both the brushes that will be the func_train and the origin brush at the same time and then right click and select func_train. The origin brush is what determines where it will spawn so if you didn't do that right then it will spawn somewhere else and will not work. You may need to ungroup the func_train entity to make it just regular brushes again and then reselect everything including the origin brush and make it a func_train again.

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