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I cant seem to find links to Icaius and/or Q3/JK2 scripting tutorials anywere in here.

Not only do I need one but i bet other ppl do too.


Second i have a more specific scripting question.

From reading the Icarus manual it seems that you can

alter some things about an npc such as force powers and weapon used.

How do you do this? Specificaly can you do things like customize the powers

of one of the jedi and load it as a mod to use in the one player game?


I took a random shot at it by using the gamestart file from The Ladder

that defines Kyle's powers, making the changes i wanted and changing the name after "affect" from Kyle to JediF and dumping it in a 'scripts' folder in a mod. No result.

Random trys are just too...random, I dont know if my idea is

wrong Or were to put this file Or what to name it. :(


My OTHER big problem: There is some sloppy coding in BehaveED. It shows up

about twice as big as my screen and refuses to resize. Any ideas about that one? Its almost unuasable.


In short: HELP!

O yeh, for extra credit what is the diff between .ibi and .txt?

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I'm writing some tutorials.


Yes, you have to edit NPC.cfg; I've just started fooling around with it, so I'm not sure. You might have to use a spawnscript as well.


You need to link the script to the info_player_start entity in the level.


Weird, I've never had any problems with BehavEd. What resolution are you at? I run at 1024x768 and it almost fills the entire screen (and there is no resize option).


An .ibi is the compiled script - the IBIze program takes the .txt file and converts it into machine code, so it can be run in-game faster/more efficiently. That's why an .ibi appears as garbled gook in Notepad.

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I have the same problem, It seems to happen in you are on a resolution of 800*600. So all you can do is drag it around, which is so annoying. However if you can get a resolution of 1024*720

it will fit properly.

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Hmmm thats weird. i run my monitor at 1280-1024.

I have the exact same problem with the editing tool that

comes with Civilization 3 oddly enough.

I wonder if i could trick it by booting up in a low res then turing

it back up to my normal one.

[edit] *bangs head on desk* The god damn compile button is on the bottom,

I cant get at it![/edit]


Thanks for the ibi explanation Jipe.


Originally posted by jipe

Yes, you have to edit NPC.cfg; I've just started fooling around with it, so I'm not sure. You might have to use a spawnscript as well.


You need to link the script to the info_player_start entity in the level.


I should prob go look at the map editor since i havent yet :rolleyes:


edit NPCs.cfg to do what?add a line to npcs.cfg that will make it

run a script (on itself) after spawn?

NPC_targetname - NPC's targetname AND script_targetname

NPC_target - NPC's target to fire when killed


spawnscript - default script to run once spawned (none by default)

usescript - default script to run when used (none by default)

awakescript - default script to run once awoken (none by default)

angerscript - default script to run once angered (none by default)

painscript - default script to run when hit (none by default)

fleescript - default script to run when hit and below 50% health (none by default)

deathscript - default script to run when killed (none by default)


Thats an abridged version of a section of SPentities.def, looks useful.

Is that the sort of things i want to be setting?


Hmm even if i get this working will have to edit all the maps?

Wouldnt that make it hard to distribute something like this

as a mod? kinda large...for what however well done it be

is not much more than tweaks, more weapon variety for enemys

or bigger differances in the Jedi's powers...

The singleplayer .bsp files ONLY in a PK3 are 68megs.


Well dispite this long...thing i just wrote be assured that you have

cleared a lot of things up for me. My thanks *bows*


O btw i got DEvaheb a util made for Elite Force that decompiles ibi files :cool:

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Originally posted by jipe

A spawnscript is a .ibi that runs on an entity when it is spawned. For example, every singleplayer level has a spawnscript key attached to the info_player_start entity that gives force powers, etc. to the player. Ex: it can be used with a stormtrooper entity, so that when you cross a trigger it spawns the stormtrooper and starts it on a patrol route.


So if i wanted to say...give all stormtroopers repeaters would i have

to set each one individualy to run the spawnscript I write for that or

can i just write one and have it apply to all Stormtroopers for that map?

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

im assuming that to get every stormy to use a repeater there would need to be a way to effect all entities of class NPC_Stormtrooper


well yeh...thats what im asking about. Is there one, if so what is it?

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